Saturday, April 21, 2018

Fantastic Sibling Moments Post#12: Working College Student Study Buddy Sisters

I'm hoping to post an actual April update, but the month is quickly coming to a close and I haven't found time yet. So, while this is not an actual April update, it is certainly a moment I hope to remember for years to come...
After getting home from work, I started studying in the same room as Pollywog (19), who had been studying all day (she is in nursing school). She appeared to be hitting the point of slight-insanity, making border-line nonsensical statements and bursting into laughter over not-so-hilarious-things. After several minutes of quiet studying -- her studying some sort of medical thing and me attempting to study real estate transactions and mortgages -- the following took place.
Me: "I'm having a hard time understanding all the different mortgages."
Pollywog: "I don't even know what a mortgages!"

She then started laughing hysterically while I gave her a blank stare. She had to repeat her sentence about seven times before I understood why she was laughing so hard...I'm still not sure why it was so hilarious, but I'll give her points for cleverness. 
Love her so much.
Here is a flashback picture from January of this year, from when Pollywog and I were both on Winter Break and able to enjoy a snow day with the family. 💕

Now back to this wretched fascinating real estate title project, in which I analyze a Statutory Warranty Deed and Deed of Trust...

Hold fast to Jesus!
