Monday, September 22, 2014

Update on...Life?

So, life has been so crazy lately.

The end of August found me coming to the end of my job at the law firm. It was such a wonderful learning experience, and the people were so friendly. 

The selfie below is from my last day there; you can't see it clearly, but it is such a beautiful office. Loved the atmosphere. And seriously enjoyed filling in for the legal assistant whose desk I am sitting at in the picture...Felt so official answering the phone, placing calls, scheduling appointments, seating clients, etc. :) The cluttery desk was a downside though, I suppose. The joys of being literally "overloaded" with work. So admire the legal assistants. Maybe someday I'll join their ranks.

I keep asking myself why I left, but it seems like God has different plans for me right now.

The beginning of September found us hunting again. As of yet, Mozzerella (15), Clari (to old to mention), and Munchette (too old to mention), have bagged deer. Pollywog and I have been super busy with school and such, and haven't been blessed with deer...Although it's unlikely, we still have hope that we will give a deer the shaft... 

In other news, today marked my first day as an extern at an orthopedic and neurosurgery facility in the hospital. I'm excited to see where it will take me...So far it isn't quite what I'm hoping for, but it's a foot in the door toward my goal, which is to be a receptionist of some sort, or at least working with/helping people. :) I am fully confident this will be an incredible learning experience even if it isn't doesn't lead to an official job. 

Tomorrow morning classes start at the local community college. Math at 8 a.m. So. Excited. Have a strong feeling this quarter is really going to teach me to rely on Christ more. :)

Pollywog and I familiarizing ourselves with the college! Pollywog is taking a class as part of her high school curriculum.

I'm rambling...

Here's a picture of Sweet Pea (13) and I about to embark on a shopping adventure. 

I shall conclude with this wonderful verse:
Colossians 3:17, "And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

In Christ,

1920s Croquet Game

Wow, I wrote this post in mid-August, and was so busy I didn't review and click "submit."

Last Saturday evening was a splendid game of croquet, 1920's style! The National Historic Site I volunteer at puts on various events from different time periods, and the fantastic costume department dresses its volunteers in the appropriate costumes. So. Much. Fun.

Since last night was 1920s, adopting the attitude of our dresses was great fun. We became a tad stuffy, very sophisticated, and fully lady-like with a touch of sass.

I love how our appearances are all so different, yet from the same time period.
RB's hat (far right) was fantastic.

Spectating as we wait for our turns to swing the mallet.

  I may or may not post more pictures, although I have a sneaking suspicion these are getting rather old...

On the 26th of July, we also enjoyed dressing up for an 1867 Vintage Base Ball (yes, two words) Game. Hoopskirts, hats with feathers, etc. etc.  Unfortunately, as of yet I have failed to find adequate photo documentation. 

Since writing this, I have in fact found adequate photo documentation...More to come. Unless it doesn't.