Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Another Update on Life And Introduction of One of My Most Favorite People

I have a feeling my posts are beginning to be very redundant. But since I don't have a problem with it and it since it's nice to take a break from homework to write a blog post, any readers will have to live with it. ;)

First, contrary to the order in the title of this post, I would like to introduce you to my niece, The Squish. She is my favorite. I don't have time to upload pictures, but here's a recent one:
Isn't she she the most precious? It's amazing how much love one can feel toward someone so small...She is dearly loved by all her grandparents, aunts, uncles, other relatives, and friends. She knows she has us wrapped around her pinky finger. 

So, once again, school and work have been keeping me very busy! It's creepy how much math and business English are on my mind. I keep analyzing sentences and thinking of subject-verb agreement scenarios in my head. According to Clari (too old to mention), I've also been sleep-talking about math. 

Seriously, keeping Christ and His Word as a priority is so important during this time, and I confess it's easy to become sidetracked. I have to keep reminding myself that Christ comes first, family comes second, etc. etc. 

Forgive the sloppiness, but this is probably the only kind of math I don't mind doing. Graphs.  ;)

 Beautiful weather the beginning of the quarter! Today was quite the opposite: cold, wet, windy...

 Dear HB and I before an event at the historic site where we volunteer! Don't you just love the flattering hairstyles?

Annnd, a selfie because...Well, just because I felt like it and this post needed more pictures...

Oh, and I should probably mention that I'm going to Florida this Friday. Super excited and a little nervous. Haven't done a ton of flying, and never flown by myself, so this will be an adventure! 

I was rather shocked about being stationed in FL (going to campaign with the same group as last year when I went to VA), and was thinking out loud about it, kind of sarcastically saying I was concerned about alligators, and Mini-man (8), very seriously said, "Don't worry, Sonia, only a few hundred people are eaten by alligators." So comforting. 

Finding time to pack has been tricky with work, school, homework, Bible Study, college group, family time, sign-waiving, voting, and getting sidetracked on Facebook. But God is good so I shan't freak out if I can help it.

Okay, I'm done talking now. 
Hold fast to Jesus!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Today Is a Gift

I really should be doing homework right now, but felt I had to post something about a recent event.

"Yesterday is history; tomorrow is a mystery; today is a gift."

Yesterday evening while driving home from Bible Study, two of my sisters and my mom were hit by a car running a red light. Thankfully, no one was seriously injured, but just from looking at the car, one can see that it's nothing short of a miracle. 

If the back passenger seat had had an occupant, someone would likely still be in the hospital. 
That almost happened. I was driving home in my car, received a call from a different sister saying that mom didn't have room in her car after all and I had to turn around and get her. After picking her up (with some grumbling), we realized that there would, in fact, have been room. Coincidence? I don't think so.

When I first heard about the accident, the feelings that came over me were overwhelming; fear, shock, anger, longing to make everything better, and the realization that life without family would be a nightmare. 

Even after hearing they were okay, I was jolted back to the reality that life is precious and can end at any time. When it's least expected. Literally in the blink of an eye.

I cannot help but thank Jesus that they're okay, that I have another day with my family. 

Lesson I (re)learned: Take time to appreciate family. Stuff has no value in the long-run. Homework and high grades are not important. People, on the other hand, are priceless. Treasure your family and friends, and don't ever, ever, let anything but Christ come before them. 

...And so, with little grief, we say farewell to our earthly possession, Auto-cado, thanking God for protecting what's truly important.