Sunday, July 2, 2017

Fantastic Sibling Moments Post #11: Crawdad Invasion?

Gubby (13) and Mini-man (10) recently acquired some "pet" crawdads on a recent trip to the "ditch" down the road. They put the crawdads in a tank (where they've survived for a couple of weeks now). A couple days after the crawdads were relocated to our home, I headed upstairs around 7 a.m. to grab breakfast before work and found this sticky on the fridge:

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The above was all good and fun; the next evening after work, however, was not. I had a break from studying and decided I could (finally!) start scrap-booking our recent trip to the East Coast. As I reached up into my closet to grab supplies, a box and some other things fell down. No big deal. 

Until I looked down and discovered a crawdad at my feet. Belly-up. Dead as a door nail. He looked similar to a giant spider. I may or may not have freaked out a little bit...My room is downstairs and the crawdads live upstairs. Not. Cool. 

Gubby, Mini-man, and the rest of the family were quite amused, but, while I could appreciate the humor of the situation in the back of my mind, it wasn't really funny. Imagine finding a dead spider-like monster on your floor? 

We figured they one of them must have escaped upon their arrival and snuck downstairs, only to dry out and be discovered by me several days later. 

We haven't discovered any more runaway crawdads since these two events, thankfully. Unless they're hiding in my room, just waiting to attack.