Sunday, December 13, 2015

2015 Edition of "Warning: Contains Images of the Hunted Looking...Hunted" (A Belated Post)

Wow, life happens and time flies...Anyway, now that fall finals are out of the way, I decided it was probably time for me to post about this year's annual hunting trip. Of the five or so years I have hunted, this year was the most unusually fruitful.

September 1, opening day, found us rolling out of bed at 4:30 a.m., putting on our sweet camouflage pants, finding our compasses, knives, bows, and walkie-talkies, and bundling into the car to head up to the mountains in order to get up there before sunrise. Fun. Stuff. 

Clari and I, 4:45 a.m. Opening Day. Ready to conquer the world...Or, I guess, the deer.

The first part of the morning was extremely slow, but, by 10:30 a.m., Dad, Pollywog (18), and Gubby (11) all had deer. They had shot the deer within five minutes of each other...Needless to say, that rarely happens. 

Dad helping Gubby fill out his first deer tag. This was Gubby's first year hunting. <3

 Dad's deer! Of course, he didn't want to be in the shot alone, so we all, fresh off the blood trail, video camera and all, got in the photo. 

Pollywog's big doe! 

We kept hunting, and just as it was about to get dark, I was stalking through a clear-cut, peered into the edge brush, did a double-take into some trees 20 yards away, drew back, released my first arrow of the day, and before I had time to register my shock had hit nice buck. 

Dad and I with my buck. It was almost 11:30 p.m. by the time we had blood-trailed the deer and cleaned it out. It was also pouring rain...I was super stoked, though! My first buck (there are horns, they just aren't humongous)! 

After our incredibly fruitful opening day, I did not join any more of the hunts due to my catching a cold during our seemingly endless trek back to the car in the freezing, pouring rain with a large buck behind us. 

However, within a few days, Sweet Pea (14) landed a nice buck (her first deer) and Mozzarella (16) landed a nice doe. Six out of the seven hunters were blessed with deer this year. God is so, so good. Here are some more pictures of our adventures. 
 Sometimes we see baby deer and shoot them with the camera instead of our bows. 

 Gubby's sisters love him very, very much. <3
 Clari and I trying to look cool and failing rather miserably.
 So thankful for my hilarious Daddy.
 Early mornings. 
 Group picture! So thankful for family! 
 Gubby looking fully legit. <3
 Sweet Pea and Mozzarella looking fully legit. <3
 Something smelled really bad, so, naturally, Mozzarella had to smell Sweet Pea's feet.
This is what we do while we wait for the trail to cool...

In short, this year's hunting season was extremely blessed, a bit chaotic, and fully awesome.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Convictions, A Graduation, Base Ball, And Family and Friends

Okay, I have had so much on my mind lately that I don't really know how I'm going to organize it into one short post. Oh well, here we go:

First, June 22nd marked my first day as an official employee of the Orthopedics and Neurosurgery clinic's physical therapy reception department (wow, that was long). During the day-long orientation, we went over what the company stood for, its values, and who it was. While watching the short video going over what the company stood for, I felt so inspired and was thinking, "wow, this is such a great place! Where can I sign up?" Then I realized I WAS signed up and this was my first day. I must say, it was a fantastic feeling.

Anyway, I love being there. When I'm working as a receptionist, I have a huge desire to represent the company in a positive way and reflect its values. I want patients to come in and know they are special, know that we truly care about them, and feel welcomed. 

While I'm sure it's a good thing to feel this way, I was also convicted. If I feel this excitement and eagerness to positively represent my department, which is temporal, shouldn't I be even more eager to reflect my Savior and share His love, which is eternal? 

One of my favorite verses, Colossians 3:17, states, "Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father." This has been one of my favorite verses, and working at this new job has helped me to see what it truly means and convicted me that I am not living it out as I know I should. 

I have so, so much in Christ; so much that I've started to lose sight of just how much. So, to conclude my first thought, I am so thankful to work as a physical therapy receptionist, and thankful to the Lord for pointing out just how much I've been missing the mark. He's helping me to relearn what I have in Him and reminding me of how much He's given so that I may truly live. 

Second, I (finally) celebrated graduating from high school! It was such a blessed time, and although it was humbling to graduate a year "late," I am so glad I did. Waiting an extra year so I could gain experience in PT reception was so worth it. 
I have grown so much as a a daughter of the King, as an individual, and as a working professional. I already talked about the first two quite a bit, but I've also learned what it means to be a working professional. My "real" senior year taught me what it means to be professional and how to maintain that image. My final "senior" year taught me that, in the midst of your professionalism, don't lose yourself. My professional policy has changed from "polished, polite, and punctual," to the more wordy "have integrity, do your best, and be yourself."


 One must celebrate graduation in one way or another. I choose froyo and good buddies.

...and older sisters. :)

Third, and perhaps more quickly, I recently enjoyed participating in another 1867 vintage base ball game as a crank. Not a cranky person, but a spectator, by the way....

I love volunteering with Peachy. (formerly known as "HB"." I finally got to use her new blog name!)

Even more special is volunteering with my littlest sister, Sweet Pea (14), who isn't (quite) so little anymore. 

Fourth and finally, here are a few pictures of some of the things I've been up to lately...Friends and family-wise, that is. :) 

Breakfast and shopping date with my dear friend HK! :) She just got back from Brazil and we had a grand time catching up and smelling all the new candles at Bath and Body Works and trying on all the clothes at Maurice's. 

Peachy (yay, I get to use her blog name again!) and I house-sat for my pastor for 9 days. We had a grand time, although I must say it is SO good to be home at last. 

And finally, today found me running errands with Mini-man (9) and Sweet Pea (14). One of our stops was JC Penny's, and Mini-man was such a great sport while I was searching for clothes. He kept hiding behind the rack I was looking through and parting the clothes, loudly proclaiming "rawr!" 

Oh! I almost forgot! I recently met victoriously with one of my life goals. As most of my readers know, my family has grown up water skiing and such. Also known by many is the fact that I know how to skii but could never stay up for more than 10 seconds before freaking out and crashing. Let it be known that I can now successfully ski for an extended period of time, even around corners. Let it also be know that I enjoy it. 

Okay, I think I'm done now...Not that I don't have more to say...Just that I should probably stop before you die of boredom (if you haven't already, that is).

Hold fast to Jesus!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

(Still) Holding on to the Ride

Life. Such a small word with such an immense meaning. It can be difficult to find the balance between simply living life to survive and living life to actually live. To enjoy the moment. To totally focus on Christ and how to best serve Him in the here and now. I keep having ups and downs in that arena...

So, things have been (very) crazy as of late, as my few and far between posts may indicate. This week is finals week at college, so I actually (which doesn't make much sense) have a few minutes to do a blog post...One can only study so long on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. Be prepared for a few selfies...

Before I bombard you with pictures, though, let me overwhelm you with wordiness...

As my current reader(s) know, I decided to hold off graduating from high school an extra year so I could get work experience through an internship in a medical setting. Through the skills center I attended, I was placed (first) in the medical organization's forms department. For four months, I scanned, filed, and faxed in a cubicle for hours on end. It was a great experience, the ladies I worked with were very nice, and I am very thankful for it; however, as 1st semester was concluding,  I knew I did not want to intern there for another four months -- I learned that doing paperwork and not seeing people was not for me. 

I nearly dropped out of the skills center at this point to graduate high school at the beginning of the year. BUT, the medical organization I was interning at found an opening for an intern in the physical therapy reception department and I ended up staying the rest of the school year. Best. Choice. Ever. God is so, so good. I loved working in PT reception.

Now, four months after nearly giving up, I am going to be starting as an official (per diem at this point) employee at the physical therapy office. I met with my other employers, and they are both willing to work with my new, unpredictable schedule.  SO excited and a bit nervous. Going to school full-time with three jobs is a bit hectic. God is good though, and so far I am surviving (and trying to actually live in the moment). God has done so many amazing things through all of this and worked out all confusingness with nearly unbelievable results, which would take about ten years to write into a blog post.

Okay, I'm done...Pictures:

 Taking Mozzarella (16) out for her birthday; that girl never fails make me laugh...
 College friend, ready for summer break too!
 My sister-in-law has some cute cows...But I think they were trying to sample my shoulder.
 Trying to enjoy the awesome weather while studying for my biology final.

Philippians 4:4-7, "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing,but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let  your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Fantastic Sibling Moments Post#8: "My Worst, Worst Job"

The other day Mini-man (8) was having a very serious conversation with Munchette. It went as follows:

Mini-man: Munchette, you know what my worst job is?

Munchette: What?

Mini-man: Loading the dishwasher....But do you know what my WORST worst job is?

Munchette: No, what?

Mini-man: (very seriously) My worst job is loading the dishwasher and my worst worst job is cleaning up dog poop.

Sigh, with a puppy in the family, Mini-man has (very seriously) been enlightened as to his very WORST, worst job.

Love that kid. <3

Gubby (11) and Mini-man walking Sam (sweet, sweet dog who won't be with us much longer) and Pooky, then only a few months old.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Nope, I Haven't Fallen off the Face of the Earth...

As my title suggests, I've probably been one of the flakiest blog-posters ever, if that's possible. I mean, I guess it's my blog and I can post when I want, but I still feel like I did something wrong, not posting for the past few months...

Anyway, I wanted to give an update. I've discovered that blogging really helps me clear my mind. Often, I don't post much of what I write...I'll spit my thoughts on paper (er, computer screen?) and then only post what I feel is remotely logical or worth sharing. Hopefully that makes sense. I'm scatterbrained...and I like flowers and collect shoes. Converse are probably my favorite brand.

Okay, so by God's grace I survived Winter Quarter at college, and even passed with very satisfying results. Only by His grace, though, seriously.

I learned a lot during the quarter about standing up for what I believe in and not fearing man. I have been so sheltered all my life, and never (really) realized how difficult it can be to define the line of standing up for what you believe in and still getting a good grade. Grades are not a priority; obeying Christ is. 

Possible highlight of last quarter was, aside from learning the important lesson about not fearing man, my English professor telling me I should become a teacher or a writer...It was kind of weird, but I was encouraged.

Spring break has been super busy, with work and family events. A few weekends ago, my best friend and I went to visit my grandparents who live at the beach. We had a grand time.  Here are some pictures from our trip. :)

Upon arriving at the beach, HB (from henceforth, her name shall be Peachy...unless I change it) and I took a few minutes to explore the freezing, windy, and wet beach before heading to my grandparents' warm house...It was a grand time, I do confess.

 Our inner (outer?) little girlness was very excited to watch the new Cinderella movie. And, I might add, we were not disappointed when we left the theater
 That gigantic boat peeking in on the right is the Coast Guard....Pretty cool.

We were determined to have some sort of fish since we were at the beach. Think we got enough?

  We spent almost the entire Saturday in a town 45 minutes away, exploring historic buildings, shop-walking, and drinking coffee. This is the sunset we enjoyed watching while partaking of ice cream and doughnuts at the end of the day.

Starbucks for the (long) drive home!

And so, with Spring Break coming to a conclusion, I want to wish you a very blessed Resurrection Sunday! He is risen! So thankful for the salvation we have by grace because of what Christ did on the cross. Oh, for grace to trust Him more!

Luke 24:1-7, "But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they went to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared. But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they went to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared. 2And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3but when they went in they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4While they were perplexed about this, behold, two men stood by them in dazzling apparel. 5And as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, 'Why do you seek the living among the dead? 6He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee, 7that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and on the third day rise.'"

Hold fast to Jesus!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

"My Grace Is Sufficient"

I don't know if I've ever been quite this busy before. Maybe. Going to school full-time on top of work has literally taken nearly every waking hour, including most weekends. I'm tempted to want to do the easy thing and drop something, but it seems like God has other plans right now, and since He's all-knowing, perfect, and loves me bunches, I'm doing my best just to hang on tight. He is so, so good. I keep loosing focus on Him and start fretting, knowing realistically (from a human standpoint) I can't keep this pace without going crazy.

 The past few weeks have been nothing short of a miracle. During the final weeks of last quarter, I made some serious mistakes, due to the fact there was so much going and my focus wasn't always in one spot. Two weeks into Winter Quarter, and God has given me a supernatural ability to keep my focus on one thing at a time. 

2 Corinthians 12:7-10, Because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me—to keep me from exalting myself! 8Concerning this I implored the Lord three times that it might leave me. 9And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. 10Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.

Even though my situation is a vast contrast from Paul's (most of what I'm doing is for my education and career), that Scripture is so encouraging. His power is made perfect in our weakness. Oh, for grace to trust Him more!

Thankful for a Monday with time for an afternoon walk with Sweet Pea (13). 

Hold fast to Jesus!