Every year, the highlight of the hunting season is spending time with family and in God's beautiful creation. Sunrises and sunsets in the mountains never get old. Creation truly sings the praises of its Creator!
As my dad says, hunting is called "hunting" and not "getting" for a reason; the enjoyment is in the entire experience, from when we start practicing shooting in early summer to butchering the deer on our dining room table.
Here are some pictures to document the time (not in chronological order, unfortunately). One thing that really stood out as I was going through our (hundreds) of hunting pictures, is that my dad is always there, always helping and encouraging us, even when it's pouring rain and he's exhausted. Ready to teach (you'll see one where he is instructing me in the ways of field dressing; even though I've done it before, I'm still not confident).
Pollywog's deer.
Mozzarella's deer.
Group picture of all the hunters!
Mini-man (13) and his deer.
Sweet Pea and her deer.
Our daddy, so patient to teach us everything he knows.
Mozzarella (20) and Gubby (15) being fabulous.
Gubby and Sweet Pea (18)