This is nearly four months late, but I have finally gotten around to sharing some moments of our family's annual archery hunting trip. It was a truly blessed time. The more time I spend with my family, the more I appreciate just how blessed we are. Anyway, here are *a few* pictures to document this season. Note: Unfortunately, I returned to work before anyone else bagged an animal, so although only one tag is filled in this post, we were actually blessed with four deer this year (bagged by Dad, Mozzarella, Sweet Pea, and me).
Family ❤ I think we were investigating the sighting of a strange, hamster-like thing...
How can you say there is no God when you are able to see such Creator-indicative creation?
Sweet Pea (16) and Gubby (13)
Gubby being a ham
Mini-man (11) playing with sticks
Silhouette shot (or attempt at one)
Something about this picture of Mini-man and Gubby just warms my heart. We were in the middle of the woods (literally; there was no road or trail aside from deer trails), and they were resting their tired selves on a dead log.
After we came out to another road, we heard a car coming and decided it would be fun to dive back into the bushes so they wouldn't see us...we took a groupie while waiting for the car to pass...
Early mornings
Apparently, he saw a big one.
After camping one night, we got up and starting hunting at dawn. Around 8 a.m., I put my sights on a medium-sized doe standing broadside 40 yards away, let my arrow go, and God guided it right on target.
Gubby and Sweet Pea trying to camouflage their faces with dirt.
After I got my deer, I couldn't hunt anymore, so I took advantage of the situation and took pictures of Gubby wading through brush (whilst also protecting him from getting lost in the middle of the woods or eaten by a wild animal, theoretically).
Family ❤
Mozzarella (18) and I tried to sneak kisses on Gubby's cheeks, but he caught on before we could carry out the deed.
Love my Daddy ❤
Sweet Pea looking fabulous ❤
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