Thursday, June 28, 2018

The Adventures of Lady Valencia Dawn Jonesier Part 2: Commencement!

Saturday morning, May 19, 2018 found Peachy and I up around 4:30 a.m., rushing to get dressed and out the door. I'm not sure if I even got 2 hours of decent sleep, but it was okay because I was graduating. The family's cabin next door remained dark, and we decided not to bother them for our much-desired coffee and instead loaded into Lady Valencia and were off. I think we ended up getting coffee at a convenience store, so we survived. :) Upon arriving for commencement, graduates were given rain ponchos, but I, a resident of a habitually rainy state, arrogantly thought I wouldn't need one. Hah. I changed my mind within an hour (although did take it off again before we headed out to face the arena crowds.

 This sweet lady did the same "transfer" program as I did (Lumberit/Unbound, where we got a lot of transfer credits before transferring into Liberty University), and it was so nice to meet her for the first time!

 It really was wet...
 Two more Unbounders and also a dear friend from my home state! Here you can see we overcame our pride and put on the rain ponchos.
 What is commencement without a picture with the mascot?

Yes, we took an excited selfie during the processional. It was a very long processional. 

You can't see them clearly, but my family is on the lower level, near the middle!

 We heard Ben Carson and Jimmy Carter speak! It was very interesting to have two very different speakers, especially given that Liberty University is a pretty right-winged school...

 After the huge commencement ceremony! It got soooo cold, but it was totally worth it! Shortly after this picture was taken, I was in a frenzy to find the school of music, where the law school graduation ceremony was to be held. It was slightly stressful, and I didn't find the school of music until I had asked like 5 different people. No joke. Praise God, though, I found it in time.

After the ceremony! Sadly, all of my pictures from after look a little stiff, but it was actually a very enjoyable ceremony! I love the law school! Also, having them call your name, followed by "summa cum laude" is such an honor! On the video, you can hear my dad loudly proclaiming, "that's my girl!" I love them so much.

Family and friends: the best support group a girl could ask for.

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