Monday, October 21, 2013

Of Life, Priorities, and Trust

I decided to give an update on my life as of late… This post is a little like my brain at the moment: all over the place.

School: In September, I started attending a Legal/Medical Office Applications class five days a week from 11-2pm.  Recently, we have been learning about the horrors of sentence diagramming. The rest of the day, attempting to finish my other (home) school has been a challenge, but it is getting done, slowly but surely!  Thankfully, I am only taking three subjects (math, government, and history) at home. 

New Job: As of the end of September, I have been working three afternoons a week at my church as an office assistant. It has been going well, and I am so blessed to have a job in such an uplifting atmosphere!  Also, it is only 2 minutes from where I go to school, so that’s a plus. 

Volunteering: The government shutdown has ended for the present, so the National Historic Site I volunteer at has reopened! I have enjoyed spending time there, participating in an event where scripts and acting are involved. :)

Priority Setting: As you can imagine, with school and work as well as other events, projects, and such, getting stuff done efficiently has been difficult. When I have free time, it isn’t really free because there are so many other things I COULD be doing. I have a hard time deciding what to tackle, so I will:

1) make a list to categorize and stare at in the hopes things will magically complete themselves,

2) check my email,

3) read a book,

4) go for a walk,

 5) organize my room, or

  6) actually do my school/housework. 

So far this week, I have done pretty well on my prioritizing (You will forget it is only Monday).

Seriously though, it has been difficult to focus on the truly important things such as having an eternal perspective and appreciating/spending time with family.  

This Sunday, I was so encouraged by the sermon. We are starting a series in Genesis, and Sunday was the ‘opening’ sermon. The whole sermon was based off of Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” In that one sentence, you can see so much. Something that convicted me was hearing about the power and awesomeness of God. I had not looked deeply into the Scriptures about this, and hearing all the different passages was wonderful.  Something that really hit me was realizing that if we (I) truly believe that God created the heavens and the earth, sent His one and only Son to die for the sins of the world, and that Christ’s blood has covered us, why can’t we truly and wholly trust that He takes care of every single detail our lives? 

Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

So, those are some of the things I have been up to/thinking about. :) 

In Christ alone,

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