Saturday, May 30, 2020

Life During COVID-19

During this strange COVID-19 pandemic situation, I've had the opportunity to spend time with family, work on a few projects, and go on several adventures, and decided to document some of it here. Life doesn't stop just because there is a pandemic and the world is practically "shut down."

1. Family Time 

 This brother (16) has been growing like a weed lately, and when we accidentally matched a few weeks ago, he grudgingly agreed to a photo to 1) document our matchiness and 2) show just how much he's grown.

 Ending many evenings watching a TV show with my sister and brother-in-law and snuggling their youngest, Baby Chloe.

 Braving Costco for the first time with this sister (we had so much fun, honestly; it was amazing to be among people! The masks couldn't even put a damper on our excitement)
 These sisters and I went on a Memorial Weekend trip to the mountains, and had a lovely time going on a short hike, having lots of snacks, watching a few movies, conducting a spontaneous dance party, and staying up late talking.
 Silly group picture from our weekend trip.
A close friend and I "social distancing" running together this morning. My physical therapist finally cleared me for running 1 minute and then walking 10 -- six months post car accident, but at least it's progress!

2. Projects
 Playing around with cooking some more. The latest cooking adventure has been figuring out different ways to prepare fish. Working from home means I have more time to actually prepare real meals!
 Gluten free baking adventures! These are cinnamon rolls (before going into the oven, I think); they turned out amazingly well, and you couldn't tell they were gluten free.
 More gluten free baking adventures: dinner rolls (also super good)
Gardening! This is about 2/3 of my "garden"; the slugs got to my basil in the front yard, but we had the yard treated for slugs shortly thereafter, so I am hoping it will revive...

3. Miscellaneous "Adventures
I went into the office one day about a week or so to work on clearing some of the piles that had accumulated on my desk, and it was a bit overwhelming, to say the least. Wearing a mast was also a bit strange, but kind of exciting at the same time. 
 The conclusion of my second year of Russian classes was via Zoom -- and honestly, it wasn't really an issue. So thankful for the opportunity to take two years of classes! However, I feel like I still don't know hardly any Russian...
 Many, many Zoom and FaceTime calls with lovely people!
Driving two hours to watch the sunset on a Friday night. 

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