Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Airplanes, Beaches, and Cabins, Oh My!

The past month (both May and June, really) has been packed with fun adventures and quality time with special people, which will be the focus of this post (which is almost late, since June is almost over!). 

I'm waiting for over 600 pictures to load to my computer right now, though, so I'm taking a detour while they (hopefully) load. It could be that this post will actually just turn into another "Sonia pouring out her disorganized, slightly illogical, and potentially tedious thoughts" session. 

So, as I wait for my old computer, coupled with our slow internet, to load my pictures...here we go.

Let the records note that while this month was packed with lovely "A, B, and C's" (Airplanes, Beaches, and Cabins), this month has also included a lot of challenges in regards to my walk with my Savior and relationships with other people. 

I'm continually seeing just how sinful that I am. It may not show on the outside to all but those who are closest to me (and I try to mask it even there), but the One Who knows the heart knows all, even more than me. Ouch. The truth of the Gospel is, without hesitation, incredible, and I have a hard time grasping it. Can't grasp it, really. All I can do is immerse myself in the reminders and truths about this amazing Gospel and look to Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of my faith. It certainly isn't me who's doing any authoring or perfecting. 

That God would send His one and only Son to be a blameless sacrifice for OUR sins, to satisfy the righteous and just requirement of the law that states "without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness," is astounding. We, who have transgressed the law and live, by nature, in opposition to God's nature, can be saved from our sinfulness and experience saving grace. What does God require of us? To simply recognize who He is, who we are, what Christ has done, and to accept his gift of salvation by faith. He then gives us His Holy Spirit, which transforms our hearts and our lives, provides us with true comfort and peace, and gives us strength and wisdom to face each day. What an amazing mystery. 

And with that thought, the pictures have loaded, and I have selected a few to share. Since it's already been about half an hour, though, I'll have to limit the monologue and summarize the following. These pictures reflect a surprise private airplane trip adventure; a trip to the beach over the Memorial Day weekend; and a lovely cabin weekend with two dear, childhood friends.

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