Monday, February 18, 2019

Three Years: My Grandmother, Gone but Not Forgotten

Three years since we said goodbye. Since she said said she loved us for the last time. Gone from this earth, but not forgotten. 

So much has happened in three years, and I wish so deeply that I could tell her about my life, ask her advice about things, and introduce her to people I’ve met. 

She would have been so happy to hear about our lives, and how much we are growing (and challenging us to grow more, reminding us (probably in a teasing voice) about how young we still are). 

Thanking God for the time we had with her, the memories we made, and the wisdom we gained. 

I have regrets, but when all is said and done, God is sovereign, and I am trying to focus on the blessing of the time we had with her rather than the things we did or did not say. Blessed be the name of the Lord, who gives and takes away. Who offers salvation to all. 

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