Rick Scott encouraging us all!
It was an extremely close race.
First set of triplets I've met! They were so awesome!
By the end of the trip, I think I was able to keep them fairly straight...
Our van + team leader!
Our van sitting in front of the super neat horse fountain. It was late, and we were all tired, as you can see...
Rick Scott announcing his victory! The confetti came about 30 seconds later.
"Well done, partner."
I'm not quite sure...
Victory party smiles and silliness!
How many people can you fit into a selfie?
Final farewell of Florida.
We didn't get to bed until around 1 or 2 that night, and had to get up at 4 for our flight...When we gathered to head out, I know I at least had to repeat my sentences two or three times before they made any sense...It was rather hilarious how tired those of us who had an early flight looked at the airport. I can just imagine how it must have looked: 10 or so teenagers, draped across chairs, staring vacantly into space.
And so, this concludes the long documentation of my trip to Ft. Myers, Florida. It was a grand trip, loaded with growing experiences and fun times. So thankful for the opportunity!
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