Saturday, April 12, 2014

"We Should Ban Knives, Too"

Oh my goodness...This guy is extreme, even for a gun control advocate (fanatic). Whether or not you are 'pro-gun,' this is amusing. 

I don't have the skills (or time) to embed this video (the YouTube embed link wasn't working), but believe me when I tell you this 5 minute 50 second interview is worth your time.

It does also serve to remind us of the sad state America is in, to have so many of its citizens so entirely blinded... I could go on and on about why I support limited gun control, but I'll just say this: The Second Amendment was written for a reason. 

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

Actually, I decided to add something I wrote last May on a group blog, which was in response to a question one of the members asked regarding background checks and gun legislation...This is a bit old, so here's hoping I had my facts right. :)

As American citizens, we shouldn’t add any new legislation, but rather enforce the 300 some major state and federal laws already in existence. Criminal background checks are nice, so criminals aren’t receiving firearms, but for law abiding citizens to have to register their guns is simply not right. With the way our government is heading, they will likely try to take all of our guns away. Full gun registration is a step in that direction. Knowing who has what will make it easier for the government to take our firearms and disarm us.  It’s clearly an infringement on America’s right to “keep and bear arms.” Our 2nd Amendment right must not be infringed upon, and full gun registration appears to be one of the steps of an aggressive agenda to disarm America.

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