Thursday, May 17, 2018

Two Years Ago...I was sitting in my first law class and met my nemesis

This memory popped up on my "on this day" notification on my Facebook feed, and it was too good not to share. Two years ago today, I was at our community college finishing my administrative assistant Associates degree, taking an evening legal ethics class. The following occurred during the lecture...

Just when I thought I was overcoming my aversion to spiders, the following took place in class:
While very seriously discussing unethical lawyer solicitation, I suddenly noticed something huge and brown scurrying across the floor in front of me. When I realized it was a giant spider, I almost gasped out loud, but managed to keep my calm. I seriously considered getting up in front of the class and announcing the presence of the eight-legged horror so I could carry out due diligence and execute it. However, I reconsidered since the teacher is a well-respected, dignified attorney (it’s all about networking, folks).
Thus, I kept quiet and eyed the eight-legged offender. I’m sure she and my classmates were wondering why I stopped paying attention to that part of the discussion and was staring into the corner. I’m sure they were also wondering why I kept shifting my feet around for the remainder of the class in hopes of discouraging any other horrors from crawling up my legs.
Needless to say, I have a ten-minute memory lapse from the lecture tonight, but can thoroughly describe to the you path the spider took and how he attempted to climb the wall, failed, and continued to walk along the wall until he disappeared from sight, leaving only the memory of the horror he inflicted and food for my imagination about where his cousins could be hiding. 

...And, because I try not to post without a picture, here is an unflattering selfie I took at the beach a few weeks back. Just add a smidge of horror to this face and you'll get what I was feeling in the above anecdote. 

April Reflections in a May Post...Plus I'm Graduating

So, I never did get to posting again in April. Oh well. School (which was business organizations law, family law, real estate transactions, and estate planning and trust administration) the last four months has been very busy, and the last month or so has been absolutely crazy with school. Full-time school and full-time work don't easily coincide with trying to finish school a week or two early. However, GOD IS SO GOOD! I finished!

In fact, my plane (because I'mg going to the school to walk) boards in about three hours. I decided now is a good a time as any to do a quick blog post since I'm all packed and am just waiting for Peachy to arrive so we can begin our adventure. Also, I've been up since 5:30 since I was too excited to sleep...Annoying, but I'm not exactly complaining. 

April was a lovely (if not busy!) month! About a week or two in, Peachy, Si, and I took a trip to the beach that was sponsored by my work! We had a lovely time. There are a few additional pictures below as well.

The Chunk (2) and I on Easter Sunday. Not the best picture of either of us, but this little man is hilarious. He is sometimes a total jerk (i.e. refusing to give me a hug, etc) but also a total sweet heart at the same time (if you are injured, he is extremely concerned). He's also learning to talk and has been putting hilarious sentences together. Last Saturday, Aunt Pollywog (20) was climbing over a seat in the car to fit in the back, and the Chunk exclaimed, "Aunt [Pollywog] climbing car!"

 Pollywog and I on a walk several weeks ago with the newest member of our family, our new "nephew," Potato the Husky. 
 Sweet Pea (17) on an "sunny day outdoor trip" we took with our church a few weeks back. She is so beautiful, inside and out.
 Spring apple blossoms. 
Mozzarella and I still enjoy working together, and taking walks on our lunch breaks as homework and the weather permit.

Hold fast to Jesus! 
