Saturday, January 20, 2018

2018: Non-Resolution Hopes

Bring'n in a totally groovy new year at our church's New Year's Eve Party! (left to right: Pollywog (19), Sweet Pea (16), Munchette (too old to mention), Mozarella (18), and me)

George Washington's Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior, Rule the 6th:  "Sleep not when others speak, sit not when others stand, speak not when you should hold your peace, walk not when others stop." 

I've never really been one to make official resolutions on a New Year's Eve. Certainly, the beginning of a new year is a perfect opportunity to resolve to make changes in one's life, and I've even done some of that, but wouldn't go so far as to say they are resolutions. I don't want to make promises to make myself "better" and fail to follow through. So, this year, I've made some changes but am not titling them "resolutions"; they are more like "goals I hope to meet by God's grace." 

One of those (which I'm not sure I'll maintain) is to post on this blog once a month. Upon reflection of 2017, I realized that reflection on the past year was actually a struggle; my hope is that by blogging at least once a month, I'll have a bit of a "paper trail" about the past year and be able to recall how far the Lord has brought me since the beginning of the year.

A few other hopes I have are as follows:

1. Consistently spend more time in God's Word -- not just reading it more, but actually meditating and slowing down enough to allow His Word to transform my thoughts and actions.

2. Love others more -- Our Lord commands us to love Him first and then to love others. These are tremendous commands, as the true definition of love goes against sin nature; true love is presented by God giving us His one and only Son to die (and be killed by those He came to save) so that we (who deserve nothing but condemnation) might have communion with Him. This saving grace God had on us should be shown -- as much as is humanly possible by the Lord's grace -- to others. Are we loving others simply because we love them or just because we feel good by loving them? 

A few weeks ago, we watched the new "Ben-Hur" movie. While this movie is very flawed and does not even paint an accurate picture of the gospel, the crucifixion of Jesus (a very small portion of the movie) stuck out to me. The masses, full of hatred for Jesus, ridiculed, tortured, and ultimately murdered Him. Him who created them. While they reviled Him, he did not revile in return. Instead, he rose again to justify us, that all who simply call on His name in repentance may be saved from their sins. We are saved by the very LORD we rejected and murdered. Wow. 

3. Serve seflessly at church -- My family and I started attending a different church in early May of last year. Working and going to school has made it challenging to serve at our church; but so has self-centeredness and fear.  My hope is that -- possibly after graduation -- I'll be able to faithfully invest time and effort into serving this body of Christ that has been such a blessing to me.

4. Graduate from college -- this is on a different, much lower level than above. By the Lord's grace and His grace alone!), I hope to graduate from Liberty University Online. While four months is not far off, the four classes remaining are going to be some of the most challenging I've ever taken. With a full-time job and these classes (which are full-time as well), I'll only finish strong by my Savior's help and strength. I struggle with anxiety, time-management, writer's block, feeling stupid, and laziness. 

With those resolves (but not resolutions since I know I can't follow through on any of them by my own strength!) in mind, I hope that 2018 brings glory to Christ as he gives grace to trust Him more.

In closing, here are some pictures of a trip my family and I took to the mountains on January 2. Enjoy!
 His creation declares His glories.

 So, so thankful for my Daddy. He is one of the most loving, talented, and selfless people I know.
 Gubby (14), Dad, Munchette, and Pollywog.
 It was very icy snow, so we enjoyed sledding on normal sleds and on our stomachs, like penguins. 

 Pollywog and me. Pollywog is growing up so fast -- she started nursing school earlier this month! She would appreciate your prayers as she begins this rigorous new lifestyle!
 Sweet Pea -- she is such a sweet, talented young adult. 
Mom, Sweet Pea, Pollywog, and Munchette trying to look "too cool for school."

 Sweet Pea and Si, a dear friend who is currently staying with us.
 These little birds  -- which we grew up calling Camp Robbers -- were flying onto our hands for corn chip bits, and making us feel like Disney princesses and princes in the process!

So, so thankful for family.

Hold fast to Jesus!


Friday, January 5, 2018

2017 Edition of "Warning: Contains Images of the Hunted Looking...Hunted"

This is nearly four months late, but I have finally gotten around to sharing some moments of our family's annual archery hunting trip. It was a truly blessed time. The more time I spend with my family, the more I appreciate just how blessed we are. Anyway, here are *a few* pictures to document this season. Note: Unfortunately, I returned to work before anyone else bagged an animal, so although only one tag is filled in this post, we were actually blessed with four deer this year (bagged by Dad, Mozzarella, Sweet Pea, and me).
Family ❤ I think we were investigating the sighting of a strange, hamster-like thing...
How can you say there is no God when you are able to see such Creator-indicative creation?
Sweet Pea (16) and Gubby (13)
Gubby being a ham
Mini-man (11) playing with sticks
Silhouette shot (or attempt at one)

Something about this picture of Mini-man and Gubby just warms my heart. We were in the middle of the woods (literally; there was no road or trail aside from deer trails), and they were resting their tired selves on a dead log.
After we came out to another road, we heard a car coming and decided it would be fun to dive back into the bushes so they wouldn't see us...we took a groupie while waiting for the car to pass...

Early mornings 

Apparently, he saw a big one. 
After camping one night, we got up and starting hunting at dawn. Around 8 a.m., I put my sights on a medium-sized doe standing broadside 40 yards away, let my arrow go, and God guided it right on target. 

Gubby and Sweet Pea trying to camouflage their faces with dirt.
After I got my deer, I couldn't hunt anymore, so I took advantage of the situation and took pictures of Gubby wading through brush (whilst also protecting him from getting lost in the middle of the woods or eaten by a wild animal, theoretically).

Mozzarella (18) and I tried to sneak kisses on Gubby's cheeks, but he caught on before we could carry out the deed. 
Love my Daddy 

Sweet Pea looking fabulous