First, June 22nd marked my first day as an official employee of the Orthopedics and Neurosurgery clinic's physical therapy reception department (wow, that was long). During the day-long orientation, we went over what the company stood for, its values, and who it was. While watching the short video going over what the company stood for, I felt so inspired and was thinking, "wow, this is such a great place! Where can I sign up?" Then I realized I WAS signed up and this was my first day. I must say, it was a fantastic feeling.
Anyway, I love being there. When I'm working as a receptionist, I have a huge desire to represent the company in a positive way and reflect its values. I want patients to come in and know they are special, know that we truly care about them, and feel welcomed.
While I'm sure it's a good thing to feel this way, I was also convicted. If I feel this excitement and eagerness to positively represent my department, which is temporal, shouldn't I be even more eager to reflect my Savior and share His love, which is eternal?
One of my favorite verses, Colossians 3:17, states, "Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father." This has been one of my favorite verses, and working at this new job has helped me to see what it truly means and convicted me that I am not living it out as I know I should.
I have so, so much in Christ; so much that I've started to lose sight of just how much. So, to conclude my first thought, I am so thankful to work as a physical therapy receptionist, and thankful to the Lord for pointing out just how much I've been missing the mark. He's helping me to relearn what I have in Him and reminding me of how much He's given so that I may truly live.
Second, I (finally) celebrated graduating from high school! It was such a blessed time, and although it was humbling to graduate a year "late," I am so glad I did. Waiting an extra year so I could gain experience in PT reception was so worth it.
I have grown so much as a a daughter of the King, as an individual, and as a working professional. I already talked about the first two quite a bit, but I've also learned what it means to be a working professional. My "real" senior year taught me what it means to be professional and how to maintain that image. My final "senior" year taught me that, in the midst of your professionalism, don't lose yourself. My professional policy has changed from "polished, polite, and punctual," to the more wordy "have integrity, do your best, and be yourself."
One must celebrate graduation in one way or another. I choose froyo and good buddies.
...and older sisters. :)
Third, and perhaps more quickly, I recently enjoyed participating in another 1867 vintage base ball game as a crank. Not a cranky person, but a spectator, by the way....
I love volunteering with Peachy. (formerly known as "HB"." I finally got to use her new blog name!)
Even more special is volunteering with my littlest sister, Sweet Pea (14), who isn't (quite) so little anymore.
Fourth and finally, here are a few pictures of some of the things I've been up to lately...Friends and family-wise, that is. :)
Breakfast and shopping date with my dear friend HK! :) She just got back from Brazil and we had a grand time catching up and smelling all the new candles at Bath and Body Works and trying on all the clothes at Maurice's.
Peachy (yay, I get to use her blog name again!) and I house-sat for my pastor for 9 days. We had a grand time, although I must say it is SO good to be home at last.
And finally, today found me running errands with Mini-man (9) and Sweet Pea (14). One of our stops was JC Penny's, and Mini-man was such a great sport while I was searching for clothes. He kept hiding behind the rack I was looking through and parting the clothes, loudly proclaiming "rawr!"
Oh! I almost forgot! I recently met victoriously with one of my life goals. As most of my readers know, my family has grown up water skiing and such. Also known by many is the fact that I know how to skii but could never stay up for more than 10 seconds before freaking out and crashing. Let it be known that I can now successfully ski for an extended period of time, even around corners. Let it also be know that I enjoy it.
Okay, I think I'm done now...Not that I don't have more to say...Just that I should probably stop before you die of boredom (if you haven't already, that is).
Hold fast to Jesus!