Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy (belated) Thanksgiving! I would have posted yesterday, but was a bit too busy celebrating Thanksgiving with friends and family to sit down long enough to post something…So, some things I am thankful for:

First of all, I am grateful to Jesus Christ for dying on the cross for the sins of the world so we could be saved. I am grateful He revealed my sinful state to me, leading me to repentance through faith by His grace. I am grateful He forgave and saved me and all who call on His name. Ephesians 2:8-9, “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. I am grateful His Spirit lives in us, His Word guides us, and His friendship never fails us. 

Secondly, I am so thankful that God has blessed me with a wonderful family. Nothing in the world could replace my wonderful parents, three brothers, six sisters (one in-law), and the niece who we have yet to meet. 

Thirdly, I have been so blessed with wonderful friends, who are like my second family. Having friends who love you despite your imperfections is a priceless treasure. 

Finally, I am so grateful for The United States of America, were we have freedom to worship our Lord openly, without fear of persecution.  It is my prayer (and the prayer of many others, I am sure) that we might remain free and once again fully return to the truths our founding fathers penned in our Constitution. 

Those are some things that I am grateful for this Thanksgiving/Christmas season; how about you?

In Christ,

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Virginia: Pictures 3: Of Miscellaneousness

Here are some pictures of various things, taken by a wonderful adult...We were a bit too busy to take pictures of us being busy. If that makes sense. :) 

 We were campaigning for these guys...
 GOP group picture!
 A mini layout of The Founders Inn!
 Everything was so very fancy.
 The outside of our beautiful hotel.
 Phone-banking. :)
 After the polls closed.
 Sign-waving buddies!
When I found out he was only a nutcracker, that blissful look transformed into one of unimaginable grief. As Buttercup so rightly stated, "I died that day."
 See how social we are?

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Virginia: Pictures 2: Of Food

You can't go on a trip and not take 'foodies.' Yes, although pictures such as these are the bane of facebook and other social media websites, I had to post these pictures for the sake of one of my very dear sisters and others who hold an appreciation for delish food. ;) 

 Penara Bread



 Subway...But it's cool because it's in VA

The bag doesn't drop any hints about where 
this soup came from. 

First time having soup in an edible bowl.

Virginia: A Quick Synopsis and Part One of Pictures

This past week, I was blessed with the chance to go to Norfolk, Virginia for a SAT (Student Action Team) to campaign for Ken Cuccinelli, a great man who was running for governor.  Generation Joshua (the group I went with), a program affiliated with HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association), has a theme they go by: Duty is ours, results are God’s. That pretty much sums up the campaign this last week. We worked very hard contacting literally thousands of voters door-to-door and by telephone. Mr. Cuccinelli didn’t win, but it was an extremely close election. Even though it was disappointing, we all realized that we did our duty and God’s sovereign will came about. 
 I am so very glad I went.
 I learned so much, made amazing friends, and went to Chick-fil-a for the first time. ;) So much happened that I couldn’t even begin to put it down on paper(er, a blog post), so I’m just going to share a bunch of pictures…

Minnesota Airport!

...Because we like hugging bears.

This bookstore looked incredible. 

My team and I in our faithful van, Lola. 
Pretty self explanatory...

 Not only were the hotel rooms super nice, but the beds were actually soft!

Our hotel was the most 'Virginiay' thing we saw. 

Group picture!

One of my door-knocking partner/bodyguards for the day. ;)

I didn't mean to cut his face off, but we didn't have time to take another picture and my phone ran out of space anyway...Another door-knocking partner/bodyguard person. :)

Another partner/bodyguard person! He was awesome...they all were. :D

We went to some purty fancy neighborhoods...

Case in point.

Being tired at the victory party...

Another group picture!

One of my amazing room-mates. :)

Even though I was leaving for home that morning, the fact I was in Virginia hadn't quite sunk in yet. 

More purtyfulness outside our hotel.

Lunch in Atlanta! These gals are so sweet. 

Okay, there are a 'few' pictures...I still have lots more to go through for another post. :)